Plastic Free by 2020

Hi All!

It has been a while since I posted any news, but that does not mean I haven’t been busy with some crazy awesome new changes. I am currently very conscious of my Eco footprint as I’m sure you are as well. I have offered refill and recycle programs for my products and containers and it just hasn’t done enough to rid the world of single use plastics. I have no way to know what is going to happen to a container once it leaves my studio. Therefore I am switching over to glass, metal and paperboard for all of my products. This has been a bit of a slow process as I’ve done quite extensive research into which products are best to re-use and recycle. If you see items that you are looking for “out of stock” don’t worry- they will come back better than ever, it just means I’m busy working on the new packaging. Thank you for your patience and I hope you love this change as much as I do!

Amber RankinComment